Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

6 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 10856
Author(s): Griffin, Miranda.
Title : Too Many Women: Reading Freud, Derrida, and "Lancelot" [The author analyzes the false Guinivere episode and the passage describing the most beautiful women in the kingdom. Griffin argues that the female characters are at the same time blind spots in terms of interpretation and concentrations of multiple meanings. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Troubled Vision: Gender, Sexuality, and Sight in Medieval Text and Image.   Edited by Emma Campbell and Robert Mills .   Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.  Pages 207 - 220.
Year of Publication: 2004.

2. Record Number: 6215
Title : Too Many Women: Reading Freud, Derrida, and Lancelot
Source: Seeing Gender: Perspectives on Medieval Gender and Sexuality. Gender and Medieval Studies Conference, King's College, London, January 4-6, 2002. .  2002.
Year of Publication: 2002.

3. Record Number: 4209
Author(s): Hyatte, Reginald.
Title : Reading Affective Companionship in the Prose "Lancelot"
Source: Neophilologus , 83., 1 (January 1999):  Pages 19 - 32.
Year of Publication: 1999.

4. Record Number: 8617
Author(s): Mieszkowski, Gretchen.
Title : The Prose of "Lancelot"'s Galehot, Malory's Lavain, and the Queering of Late Medieval Literature
Source: Arthuriana , 5., 1 (Spring 1995):  Pages 21 - 51.
Year of Publication: 1995.

5. Record Number: 11066
Author(s): Brownlee, Kevin.
Title : The Image of History in Christine de Pizan’s "Livre de la Mutacion de Fortune" [Christine creates a double representation of history in this poem. In addition to relating all the great events in human history, she also presents a personal history in the form of an allegorical autobiography. This narrative fictionalizes her own development into the author of the book, as Christine presents her past self reading a sequence of wall paintings. As she narrates these images, Christine establishes her unique authority as a female poet of history, differentiating herself from the male wall-reading protagonists of the Aeneid, Roman de le Rose, the Prose Lancelot, and Dante’s Divine Comedy. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Yale French Studies (Full Text via JSTOR) (1991): 44-56. Special Editions: Style and Values in Medieval Art and Literature.Link Info
Year of Publication: 1991.

6. Record Number: 12691
Author(s): Hyatte, Reginald.
Title : Recoding Ideal Male Friendship as "Fine amor" in the "Prose Lancelot" [The author analyzes the relationship between Lancelot and Galehout. Hyatte uses the conventions of classical authors on friendship as well as those of the courtly romance. Galehout's superlative qualities as a friend, trust, generosity and bravery, doom him in his dishonorable efforts to further the adulterous love of Lancelot and Guenevere. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Neophilologus , 75., ( 1991):  Pages 505 - 518.
Year of Publication: 1991.